Sunday, January 20, 2008

iPhone 1.1.3 firmware downgrade complete, still unbricks you, SDK docs leaked

iphoneheaders.jpgJust a quick note to all those with bricked iPhones — you can upgrade to 1.1.3, unbrick it, and then downgrade to 1.1.2. This is all pie-in-the-sky stuff right now but it seems to be working for some folks in Vietnam of all places and it’s a hardware hack, so if you’re squeamish around a screwdriver it’s probably not for you. Fear not, though, a software hack will come along soon enough and then we’ll all be happy.

Lightbulb Unlock iPhone 1.1.3 bootloader 4.6 ok !

Hello all !

I can finally confirm about iPhone 1.1.3 unlocked ok at 8:30PM 15/01/2008 by our team and many help from GeoHot from US, Imth from VN, and some experts about iPhone from Hackint0sh forum ! Great thanks to those awesome guys.

This method is hardware method. So have to open phone.

Status now is:

- Unlock the iPhone with firmware 1.1.3 (baseband 4.03.13)

- Downgrade the phone to 1.1.2 then jailbreak it for normally using.

- Phone will work at: firmware 1.1.2 and baseband 4.03.13.

We are still researching on Unlock and keep the firmware 1.1.3 (mean jailbreak 1.1.3) …

Will upload here some proof clip.


In other news, the 1.1.3 SDK notes have been leaked so if you want to port Custers Revenge to the iPhone, you can get started right now.

iPhone 1.1.3 frameworks documentation is live [TUAW]

Lightbulb Unlock iPhone 1.1.3 bootloader 4.6 ok ! [ via Hackintosh]

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